Monday, March 23, 2015

March 16th, 2015

Well, I did my first service for someone in my area. I've done service before, but never for any of my own investigators or for any of my less actives.Guess what i did... I didn't wrangle llamas or alpacas, I didn't help them pull their potatoes and quinhua out of the field, I didnt help them fix anything, nor build a house, nor clean, nor anything like that... I colored... my first service for one of my people, was coloring. School just started back up, and all the kids have their subject sheets that they gotta tape to the front of their notebooks, and they have to be colored as well... so i got to color everything that has to do with America, cause im from America, and I know how all of it should look. I colored the Statue of Liberty, eagles, American Flags, Military things, trucks, the golden gate bridge, mountains, etc. So yeah, took about 2 hours to color everything, and they were super grateful. Not what I tought my first service would be... but thats alright I guess.

Our baptism last saturday fell through, but I think well get it rescheduled soon and get'm dunked. We have a new inves. that might progress faster than all the others and we might get him baptized within the month. So pray for us!! 

Were working very slowly to build up the attendence in our ward. They've been through a lot these last 4 years, and they've lost a lot of members cause of leadership change... we are trying to convey to all of them that we go to chruch for God.. not the bishop.. but they got some grudges and are very chismoso/ gossip. So the lesson for today is don't be chismoso, it really hurts the kingdom, and really doesn't get us anywhere. Speak kind of others, be honest, and make your word your law!!!

Love you all!! Stay safe!! 

-Elder Wright

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