Well, it was a pretty good week!! Last P-day the Bishop invited us to his house to make pizza and cookies.. and when i got there, im not gonna lie, they were struggling. They dont bake here, and very few people have ovens. So it was a mess. But we got them straightened out and the cookies were probably the second worst ive ever had in my life but they were good. They absolutely loved them. They were really scared to try the cookie dough raw, but after they had a bite they ate half the bowl before we could get them in the oven. We made a lot though so its all good.
Well, it was a pretty good week!! Last P-day the Bishop invited us to his house to make pizza and cookies.. and when i got there, im not gonna lie, they were struggling. They dont bake here, and very few people have ovens. So it was a mess. But we got them straightened out and the cookies were probably the second worst ive ever had in my life but they were good. They absolutely loved them. They were really scared to try the cookie dough raw, but after they had a bite they ate half the bowl before we could get them in the oven. We made a lot though so its all good.
I had splits with the zone leaders on Tuesday, Elder Lindblom from Arizona, Gilbert (He knows Payne) was my compainon for the day. We started the day by finding scriptures to share with the Adventisits who keep asking us to justify our beliefs with the Bible. One of the ones they wanted was proof that Sunday should be the sabbath and not Saturday like it says in the time of Moses. So I took them to the Tora where the Lord institutes capitol punish for those who break the sabbath. The dude that picked up sticks and Moses recieved revelation that the people should stone him and everyone else who did so. So I asked if they still stoned people like they were suposed to? If they followed the law of moses so closely. Then I told them that the life of Jesus changed the gospel, the the biggest event in the history or ever, was the Atonement and ressurection of Christ. Its what gets us into eternal salvation so memory of the reason we get to fulfil our purpose and return to God. We hold the sabbath on Sunday, and that they should pray about it to know for sure... they didnt like that answer but they couldnt contest it with anything so we might have a chance to correct this apostasy. Then we went to a little town an hour away to fetch a birth certificate for someone in Lima that was gonna get married, then get baptized. So we went to these people that haven't ever seen white people excpet in movies and just let them stare at us while we ate popcorn and waited for the government building to open... all the moms that passed with their daughters told them that one day they needed to marry one of us... Im guessing they thought we couldnt speak spanish cause they said it really loud. So that was funny, the birth certicicate was in one of those old old books that are huge and leather bound. It was pretty cool, but impossible to read casue they did everyting in this crazy cursive. So this lady that specialized in reading the book found it for us and got us a copy. It was pretty cool. Anyway, the rest of the day me and Elder Lindblom had appointments and sang country songs on the way to all of them. He's got one more month left and he goes home, but he told me we have permission to listen to patriotic music on the 4th of July!! So thats awesome!! Anyway, good day with him.
Our investigators had a good week this week! We found a new gal that agreed to be baptized on the 14th so we have three baptisms planned!!! The Murillo Girls confirmed their baptism date of the 7th so were gonna get them dunked! Alex told us he wants to be baptized but neeeded a littel more time to decide on a date, hes got to marry or seperate is wife/girlfriend to do it though. But he wants it now which is awesome! He's got doubts about how God works, especially when it comes to saving sinners. His whole life he's thought there was no way to please God and that we were all going to hell. We had him read the "if you love me keep my commandments" scripture and you could see it just smack him in the face. He got real quiet for 5 minuets and told us he understood that part now, so that was a huge step for him. Our new gal is named Sandra, She's definetly been prepared beforehand to recieve the gospel. She came to church and loved it, found some friends and wants to know more. Then we have our less actives, Guillermo is one week away from having his interview and getting the priesthood which is exciting. He's changed a lot. Now we have a new Family... the mom is the only member. They have 4 kids. We've met 2 of them, anyway, the dad just lost his dad and had questions about where he was and stuff. The plan of salvation cleared that up, and the lesson was really cool, then it got weird.... Somehow we got on the topic of spirits and if they could manifest themselves... we said yes but with lots of limits... but they took that as a sign to tell us all about the ghost stories they've been apart of... ghosts picking up a piece of paper and playing with it like a streamer, a baby ghost throwing a bottle against the door, a old guy ghost with a hat runnning in front of a car and then not being there... it was worse when Elder Concpecion said he'd seen ghost as well.... i felt like i was in Ghost Busters or Supernatural... So the lesson took a dark turn but we have a date to come back and teach them how to do family history to get his dads name to the temple.
Thats about all for the week, we get to go to some catacombs today for p-day so ill have some good pics next week, i up loaded some to dropbox if yall want to check them out. A video as well of one of the games they play here and the punishment for losing. Love you all lots! Stay safe and do everything your supposed to do, the Lord will bless you! Elder Wright
Pizza and cookie making!!