Opposition in all things...
Today was a pretty good week, no much to tell. Only stories about losing investigators. So Esmerelda and her daughter are no longer getting baptized. She says she follows the Bible, and if something goes against the bible its not of God. She thinks the sabbath is Saturday. She won't pray about it cause she doesn't feel she needs to when she has the answer in front of her. It didn't matter what we said, she'd...

hardened her heart and there was nothing we could do. Kind of sad. We told her that the way to know the truth of all things was through the Holy Ghost but she wouldn't listen. We told her the bible is the testimony of others, the information God gave us to guide us, but that we needed to receive our own testimony of the truth of all things through prayer and the Holy Ghost.. but she took that as us saying the Bible is only information and that means its invalid... then she told us we were the false prophets and devil servants that the Bible talks about. Oh well... She might have another chance later on in her life but she's got a hard heart to soften first.
Other than that, we might not have a baptism this weekend, pray for them. The Murillo family had been getting heat from their grandma and other extended family.. in ward council the bishop asked us to take his wife, who knows the grandma, and go talk to her... we'll see how that goes.. The change of their excitment to be baptized to not wanting to listen to the last lesosn we have to teach was astounding. Its crazy how violent famliy can be on each other, i imagine they tore them apart, when they didnt know anything other than that they had the feeling and a testimony it was true. So yeah, opposition.
We had our drunk give in on us this week, he got drunk and so now he can't get baptized this weekend. His friends were just too persuasive i guess. Even though its destroying his famliy. We dont know what to do with him. His wife told us she expected him to give in which breaks my heart that she didnt think he could do it.
Other than that, not much as far as the work goes. We met a new family that wants to chagne their lives and noticed the change in a freind of theirs when he found the gospel, so they're super excited and came to church and everything. So we have high hopes for them!
I'll tell you guys, There are always problems. When you're climbing a mountain, and your tired, and beat up, its easy to look down at your feet. You look down to make sure your progesssing even if its just one step at a time. But the challange is to not look down, rather to look at where you are and the mountian that your climbing. We can look back for strength, to see how far we've come, and look up to the goal, to get some motivation to fulfil the task, but we've got to make sure we dont look down, casue then we miss the journey. There will alwasy be troubles, there hasn't been a day out here that I haven't had troubles. A lot of troubles. I know that if I focus on these, i'll miss the beautiful parts of this expirience. So im trying to not look down, even if things are hard.
Love you all lots,
-Elder Wright