Today at 11:44 AM
Hey everyone!! Well, this week was a stall week for our investigators, they havent progresed and they all have their problems. Our golden family, family Morillo, dogged us twice yesterday so we dont know whats happening there. As always well keep working on them. Tons more borrachos and a couple of them have been brave enough to act like they were gonna hit me as I walk by. I think the Lord is trying to teach me patience before he'll give me any success. Oh well, ill be pacient with all that I can. I find myself drawing on the patience of the Lord very often. We had stake confrence this week, only 20 guys in the priesthood meeting. The stake pres got up and told us we dont even have enough holders to run a ward, let alone a stake. They talked about reactivation work. In our ward we have 30 regular attenders, and over 120 less actives. Our mission pres was there and was next to speak. He told us the statistics for the missionaries in the area. This area is the hardest in the mission. and of the missionaries that leave from this area and return after two years... 10 out of 100 remian active.... i was amazed, these are return missinoaries. Then he had all 24 missionaries in the meeting stand up and he told the members these men have been called of God to do this work, they are the best, use them. It was a bit of a butt chewing for everyone. In the adult session there was about 40 in attendence. Sunday however, there were about 200. Which isnt great considering the thousands in the stake, anyway, we had 3 investigators promise to be there and one less active. One of the investigators came and the wife of the less active told us today that our less actve had attended. So yeah. 2 of 4. Me and elder were waiting out front of the church until 20 min after the meeting started, the less actve got there an hour late, and the inves, got there 30 min late. But we were glad they came. Pres Harbertson talked in this session as well, he held up a recipie for tres leche cake and said he was terrible baker, but if he follwed this recipie to the best of his ability he could make somewhat of a cake. Then he held up the church admninistaration manual, and siad if we follow this, we can run the church the way Christ wants, and the cool part is that Christ, the master baker, will help us follow the recipie. Its was a good talk and good confrence. I just wish our other inves had attended . The choir sang and they dont sound all that well but they look really happy as they sing and invite the spirit well enough. As far as everything else goes, we had a lot of cancelations this week, one really good lesson that we taught in the doorway and one less active that has warmed up to us. I'll let yall know whats happenig with them next week cause there isnt anyhting else to report. No cool food yet but ill keep you posted. Navidad isnt much of a holiday here, its more of an excuse to get gifts... absolutly no decoration ouside. But lots of tiendas selling toys. We had out a lot of dadiva cards and people take them cause it has Jesus on them, im not sure how many of them watch the video though. Its not easy i guess cause they have to go to an internet shop to watch it, none have internet in their houses. but yeah not sure how much success the video has in this area. But it really is a beautiful video. Anyway, all is well. We jsut keep working. We forget ourselves and go to work. Spanish is at a stall for me at the moment but thats okay i guess. All is well, Im happy and healthy, and love what im doing. Hope all is well stateside, and i miss you all lots. Stay safe and Merry Christmas!! Dont worry, im gonna get myself a tresleche and inka kola for Christmas so im all good. And i hear were getting pizza for Christmas dinner which makes me happy that i get to carry on the tradition to some extent. its deffinitly not gonna be bald mountain pizza tho . Oh well adios!
-Elder Wright